We are proud to now support Flying Probe Testing using the latest generation Takaya APT-1400F.
The new architecture provides unprecedented test speed: 30% to 50% test time over the Takaya 9411 models.
The completely upgraded XY stage of the APT-1400F, combined with the positioning accuracy from its enhanced optical system, provides up to 50% improvement in probing accuracy over the market leading APT-9411.

The APT-1400F main features include:
- Four flying heads and Six Z Mechanisms in addition to the four standard moving probes.
- Highly Accurate Measurement System includes three 4 Quadrant sources and measurement systems with 16-bit ADC/DAC and AC Programmable generator.
- Strong and Rigid XY Stage made from highly polished granite to achieve faster moving speeds with a 25% improvement in positional accuracy.
- Ultrafast Test Speed with the use of new technologies test is speeded up by up to 50%.
- Improved Optical Test System gives AOI functions including color, LED, Missing, wrong orientation, positioning error, Barcodes and 2D Barcodes, OCR and Library and Real Map.
- User Friendly Software with the aim to cut down your programming time.