(214) 483-3707 info@testtechnology.com

SMH Technologies

TTA continues to expand technology solutions with SMH Technologies, a global leader in Silicon Device In-System Programming.

We have extensive experience using SMH programming hardware and software as standalone solutions, Keysight 3070 utility card solutions and Flashport solutions.

TTA has the Keysight Flashport installed that uses the SMH 16 Channel 2.0 programming solution for the most efficient parallel programming solution in the industry.

Please contact us if you would like to discuss SMH hardware solutions or a custom TTA software programming solution using SMH hardware.

FlashRunner 2.0
SMH Programming hardware and software

  • Up to 5.000+ device support, with daily updates;
  • Supports most ISP protocols (BDM, JTAG, SPI, I2C, MON, ICC, SCI, UART, and many others);
  • 16 parallel and independent programming channels;
  • Compact design for easy ATE integration;
  • Programming voltage / current measure and trimming for each channel;
  • Up to 30 MHz communication frequency;
  • Ethernet LAN / USB host interface, optoisolated;
  • Standalone mode via control interface connector;
  • Relay barrier control interface.


FlashRunner official reseller